Golf Cart Accidents

One of the most charming characteristics of our island is the use of golf carts for daily transportation. However, this is sadly the most tragic of accidents that occur. Triple responds frequently to golf cart accidents with everything from a scrapes and bruises to severe head injuries to fatalities. Triple R’s transport van has become a common site headed up the road north to secret beach for an accident response. Over the course of the 4 years since RRR was founded we have responded to over 100 golf cart accident.

In 2018 a young man was thrown from a cart and received a severe head trauma. He was quickly assessed and determined he need to be transferred back to the U.S. as quickly as possible. RRR along with RRR Evac arranged a flight to Belize City, at that time RRR was informed he would not survive the flight with out surgery to release the pressure from his brain. After multiple calls from the RRR teams in the U.S. he was transferred to a private hospital in Belize City where he received excellent medical care from a skilled surgeon. Once surgery was complete he was flown by RRR Evac to Miami. We are happy to say this young man has recovered after months of rehabilitation and is enrolled in college! A true triumph from tragedy story. There is no doubt that prior to RRR this young man would not have survived.

This is just one of many happy endings to our RRR story.